Hatter M. Special Issue #2.5 to Debut at San Diego ComicCon
July 11, 2006, Los Angeles, CA -- Frank Beddor, author of THE LOOKING GLASS WARS trilogy, Book 1 coming this September from Penguin Publishing, has prepared a special giveaway Issue #2.5 for fans of his Hatter Madigan comic mini-series.
Since the launching of the HATTER M. comic book series detailing the true story of Royal Bodyguard Hatter Madigan’s 13-year search for the lost Princess of Wonderland, queries and kudos from around the world have filled the mailbox at the Hatter M. Institute for Paranormal Travel and Research. After the publication of Issues #1 and #2, the creators were both thrilled and stunned by the avalanche of public reaction as readers contacted the Institute en masse to enthusiastically join in authenticating Hatter’s search and adventure. In an effort to respond to the readers the Institute called upon their panel of experts to roundtable the latest inquiries and developments in the Looking Glass Wars Deep Travel Symposium entitled: Hatter M. Questions, Answers and Revelations
To disseminate the information gathered at the symposium, Special Issue #2.5 was assembled and will be available gratis to fans beginning July 20 at the San Diego Comic-Con prior to the September release of Issue #3 to both respond to readers and share the latest, fascinating revelations with any and all who are interested in knowing more about the mysterious tophatted visitor from Wonderland.
The four issue mini-series Hatter M. features a story by Frank Beddor and Liz Cavalier with full color art by Ben Templesmith. Beddor is the author of The Looking Glass Wars trilogy, with Book 1 to be released September 26 in the US through Dial Books, A Division of Penguin Group (USA) Inc., as well as producer of the hugely popular Hollywood film, There’s Something About Mary.
Visit them at San Diego at the Image Booth #2729 for your copy or stick around to see what ScifiSlacker.com can bring some lucky readers who were unable to travel to the left coast.
[More on Hatter M...]
To learn more about The Looking Glass Wars: Hatter
M and other Desperado Publishing series, log onto:
Official Site: www.lookingglasswars.com

About Desperado Publishing:
Atlanta, Georgia-based Desperado Publishing in
partnership with Image Comics is set to release
a daring line-up containing titles both existing
and brand new by some of the comic industry’s
biggest names. Always a visionary, publisher Joe
Pruett is well known throughout comics as one
of the finest assessors of talent and has discovered
many of today’s biggest names. Some of those joining
him at Desperado Publishing are Bob Burden, Phil
Hester, John McCrea, Paul Jenkins, Garth Ennis,
Andrew Robinson, Keith Giffen, Tony Harris, Brian
Bolland, Bernie Wrightson, Bruce Jones and P.
Craig Russell. A sampling of titles you can expect
to see include: Flaming Carrot, Negative Burn,
Paul Jenkins’ Sidekick, The Looking Glass Wars:
Hatter M, The Atheist, Deadworld, and Dusty Star.
More information can be found by logging onto
their web site at www.desperadopublishing.com