Marie and Alexia are schoolmates and best friends.
Hoping to prepare for their college exams in peace
and quiet, they decide to spend a weekend in the
country at Alexia’s parents’ secluded farmhouse.
But in the dead of night, a stranger knocks on
the front door. And with the first swing of his
knife, the girls’ idyllic weekend turns into an
endless night of terror…
Prepare to take a white-knuckle journey into
the heart of fear with Lions Gate Films’ HIGH
TENSION, the terrifying story of two girls’ battle
for survival at the hands of a sadistic psychopath.
Marking a return to the nightmarish intensity
of 1970s horror classics, director Alexandre Aja
reduces the genre to its bare essentials, building
a narrative of intensifying dread that culminates
in a truly shocking climax.
Relentlessly tightening the screws of suspense,
HIGH TENSION will have you struggling to catch
your breath. The film stars Cécile de France,
Maïwenn and Philippe Nahon, from a script
by Aja and Gregory Levasseur.
Rated R
NOW @ Amazon.com on DVD and UMD
Cécile De France --- Marie
Maïwenn --- Alex
Philippe Nahon --- Le tueur |
Director: Alexandre Aja
Producers: Alexandre Arcady --- Robert Benmussa
Screenplay: Alexandre Aja --- Gregory Levasseur
Art Direction: Gregory Levasseur
Director of Photography: Maxime Alexandre
Editing: Baxter
Original Music Composed by Francois Eudes |
Official Website - hightensionmovie.com
DVD bonus features include:
DVD introduction by Alexandre Aja and Grégory
Levasseur, commentary with Alexandre Aja and Grégory
Levasseur, Haute Horror – Making of High Tension,
Building Tension, Gianetto De Rossi: the Truth,
the Madness and the Magic, and select scene commentary
with Alexandre Aja and Cécile De France.
Download Trailers:
Download Steamy Trailer [WARNING: masterbation
Download Gory Clips:
The Woods
More Clips of the film HIGH TENSION
HEAD [WARNING: Gettin' a little then
flingin' it out the window]
