by Renee Reeser Zelnick
We’ve seized control of your TV set. Do not adjust
your television.
Noise pretty much makes me think of a Brian
Eno album-However in this case White Noise is
a Geoffrey Sax directed super-natural thriller
with more seizure-inducing jump cuts than a Japanese
game show!
Imagine my first bone-shattering chill as the
name Michael Bolton appears on screen (oh, thank
the gods- it’s production designer Michael S.
Bolton). A flashy, freaky title sequence (a’ la
seven) sets the tone for an uncomfortable roller-coaster
ride into the darkest depths of the lead character’s
We meet talented architect Jonathan Rivers (Michael
Keaton) and his second wife, successful best-selling
author Anna (NYPD’s Chandra West). Her mysterious
disappearance is followed by Jonathan’s stalking
by portly and creepy Raymond (Ian McNiece)… a
self-professed, obsessed EVP expert. EVP (Electronic
Voice Phenomenon) simply put, is the audio recording
of the dead (?). Raymond explains that the dead
are around us all the time, and Anna has been
contacting him thru digital audio and video recording
devices (the latter actually known as ITC or Instrumental
Transcommunication.) Apparently, our human eyes
and ears are insensitive to the otherworldly signals
that show up on tape/digital playback.
Jonathan is, of course, skeptical at first, but
after visiting Raymond’s studio, reminiscent of
your high school geek infested AV club- he too
is convinced Anna is trying to communicate from
the other side. Not since POLTERGEIST has static
been so exciting.
Jonathan sets up his own ghost-hunting studio,
apparently he makes Frank Gehry money as an architect
- as he equips himself with numerous HDTV, plasma
and LCD flat screens. Jonathan too becomes obsessed
with the VHS and audiotapes’ tedious, repetitive
blips and beeps. So much so that he seems to forget
that he is alive- Constantly sending off his son
to stay with his ex. Good thing too as the young
son is obviously bored by dad’s new hobby. Often
times one must sit thru hours of these video or
audio recordings before finding anything. And
we as the DVD viewer spend a lot of time staring
at a guy staring at a TV. Irony?!
Soon, he sees images, not only of his dead wife
- but of happenings of the present and near-future-
all of which it seems he can effect the outcome
- kind of like Batman, sans cape and mask. From
the other side, Anna shows him video clips and
pleads for his action - clearly what she really
wants do is direct.
Okay- I can’t take it anymore…I have to tell
you all what really happened:
So, like this is where everything gets weird-
here I am, in the middle of normal reality, at
the DVD release party for WHITE
NOISE at Hollywood’s infamous and supposedly
haunted ROOSEVELT HOTEL- I drag my husband Michel
(super-skeptic and part-time paranormal investigator)
there with me to cover the event and to check
out Tom and Lisa Butler, the couple that run the
AAEVP- the American Association of Electronic
Voice Phenomena (check out www.aaevp.com).
They’re there that night to do a live EVP recording
in various haunted hot spots in the hotel. They
invite us and the other press members to join
them in the famous Gable-Lombard Suite on the
twelfth floor. Michel wandered off and I find
him by the bar with my mini-digital recorder I
brought to record notes on the presentation. I
noticed the record light was on. “I figure if
there’s anything here, it’s gotta be here by the
bar” he says smiling. I laugh and we exchange
a few sentences as I look out the window to the
historic Chinese Theater across the street. I
pull out my digital camera to take a picture or
two- and it goes dead! I checked the batteries
before leaving home and they were fine. Strange-
at that moment another press crew’s motion camera
goes dead. Weird! We hang out for a bit as Tom
and Lisa do their audio recording thing in the
two-story suite. They explain that low-tech equipment
is often best and to use headphones upon playback,
as most EVP are but a whisper. Nothing audible
seems to be happening, so Mike and I laugh it
off as a buncha bunk and we decide to get ‘ghost’
ourselves and head home. I grab our goodie-bag
and scramble to find our valet stub. Scary!
Upon returning home, Mike grabs a set of headphones
and stretches out on our chaise. I notice his
smug expression change. He hits the rewind and
listens again. His eyes water slightly. He hands
me the headphones. I listen to the familiar sounds
from earlier in the evening. People milling about
laughing, talking, and some strange hissy background
sounds, I hear Mike make the bar comment, and
then, there it is, plain as day- a female sounding
voice warns us “LEAVE ME ALONE”. I play it back,
again and again. Now my eyes are full on watering
and my goosebumps have goosebumps.
Anyway- I now need to go to the AAEVP website
myself and figure out how to best transfer our
recording to my computer, and do a little more
research on this phenomena I was completely skeptical
Oh yeah. White Noise is a Universal Pictures
release rated PG-13 for violence, disturbing images
and language. Running time: 101 minutes. Check
it out if you liked The Sixth Sense and The Grudge.
DVD Release and EVP Event
On Monday in Hollywood, Tom
& Lisa Butler, Directors of the American
Association of Electronic Voice Phenomena demonstrate
Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) at an event thrown
by Universal Studios Home Entertainment
to mark the Tuesday DVD release of White Noise.
The event was held at the Roosevelt Hotel in
Hollywood, where paranormal activity has been
reported for decades, included a live EVP session
to make contact with the departed.
The White Noise DVD includes bonus features on
EVP including Tom & Lisa Butler sharing their
personal experiences and a demonstration how audiences
can conduct their own sessions at home. (Photo
Courtesy of Jaime Trueblood / Universal)
Also pictured...Wendy Garcia, Front Desk Agent
of the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, who shared with
the media in attendance paranormal experiences
she has witnessed at the hotel.
Windows Media Clips from the nights events.
Lisa Butler conducts EVP session from balcony
of Clark-Gable Suite in the Roosevelt Hotel.
Tom Butler demonstrates how to listen to EVPs
on his laptop.
Lisa Butler begins her EVP session by asking
the spirits for permission.
Lisa Butler begins EVP session #2.
Lisa Butler conducts an EVP session with group
of participants.
Tom Butler contacts the spirits through EVP.
Tom Butler discusses his experiences.
Lisa Butler describes and plays a significant
EVP occurrence.
Wendy Garcia, employee of the Hollywood Roosevelt
Hotel, shares experiences she has had with paranormal
activity there.
The following EVP examples were collected during
the group tour of the Gable Lombard penthouse
in the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel. All are Class
C to B quality voices. We would normally not play
these examples for the public, but given the circumstances,
it seems okay as long as the public is warned
that these are presented so that participants
to the event can hear some of the results. We
did record more, but these are the clearest.
– One of the media participants said “Carlos,
dio Frankie,” This was followed by the EVP, “dio
Frankie.” There were a few clipped syllables between
“Carlos” and “dio Frankie,” that we removed and
the EVP is being talked over at the end by Tom’s
voice. We did no further modification of the track.
We are going to guess that we have misspelled
the Spanish phrases.
2point8sec – The EVP portion of this track
has been amplified a little. We have done the
same in a couple of other cases. The originals
are available for inspection.
1point5sec – Tom is telling the entities that
we can record their voice in the recorder.
– No additional information. Tom was asking how
many people were in the room.
– Included in case the EVP is Spanish. Otherwise,
disregard this example.
5point2sec – You hear the unknown word in
the above example and then you year Tom say, “Nini,
can you speak to us?” followed by a different
participant’s cell phone ringing, and then the
possible EVP, “yes.” The telephone ring may have
nothing to do with the question or the EVP, but
all of this is too good of a sequence to ignore.
It is with such “coincident” that our friends
try to communicate with us.
– This is a Class C minus, but the message seems
to say, in response to Lisa telling the unseen
communicators that they are dead, that his life
there seems to contradict her.
The following have been amplified and spikes
from the recorder have been reduced:
and_then_i_want_candy – This last one is just
funny. It sound like parents are trying to manage
a kid that wants candy. Who says life ends when
we die?

There Is No
Death and There Are No Dead: Evidence of Survival
and Spirit Communication Through the Voices and
Images from Those on the Other Side by Tom W.
Butler and Lisa F. Butler
Book Description
There is No Death and There are No Dead: Evidence
of Survival and Spirit Communication through the
voices and images from those on the other side.
Anyone interested in communication with a departed
loved one or learning more about the "Other
Side" will want to read this book
Many may be shocked to learn that the so called
dead have been communicating across the veil through
electronic devices since the early 1900s.
Much more than anecdotal evidence exists that
we survive physical death and that our loved ones
on the "Other Side" continue to interact
with us. Indeed, evidence collected from Electronic
Voice Phenomena (EVP) and Video Instrumental TransCommunication
(ITC) reveals that they actively seek ways to
contact us and to offer guidance to experimenters
on improving these communications.
Obtaining EVP communications is not difficult
and is achieved both by those with respected scientific
credentials, as well as by ordinary individuals.
This book includes simple instructions for experimentation
and explores the body of EVP and other evidence
already accumulated by researchers around the
world. There
are also instructions for experimenting with Video
ITC. The cover of this book is an example of the
results researchers have obtained. A human-like
face peers down toward the title, which the authors
believe to be one of the deceased individuals
working with them to bring through images from
Written as a tool for people interested in experimenting
with EVP and Video ITC, the book includes: • A
History of EVP and ITC • Numerous examples from
researchers and their stories • How you can conduct
you own experiments with EVP and Video ITC • What
is known today about these phenomena
the Author
from Amazon.com
Tom and Lisa Butler are Electronic Voice Phenomena
(EVP) and Instrumental TransCommunications (ITC)
researchers in the United States. They are the
Directors of the American Association of Electronic
Voice Phenomena (AA-EVP), which includes members
from around the world. The nonprofit Association
is dedicated to the study of EVP and ITC and to
helping people learn how to collect examples of
these phenomena for themselves. The focus of the
AA-EVP is to provide objective evidence that we
survive death in an individual conscious state.Tom
and Lisa share EVP and ITC history, stories and
examples in their new book about the evidence
for personal survival through EVP and ITC. They
also provide an overview of the latest knowledge
in this field and describe techniques for using
these phenomena to establish communication with
the other side. 2004butler_cal_neva_lodg.jpg)
EVP are unexpected voices found in audio recording
media. Extensive analysis by both trained scientists
and amateur experimenters around the world has
shown that orthodox theories of science do not
explain the existence of EVP. The working hypothesis
is that EVP are initiated by discarnate entities.
As such, EVP is believed to be one of the best
sources of evidence that there is an extended,
nonphysical aspect of reality and that we survive
in that extended reality after physical death.
EVP is increasingly being used in hauntings investigations
and can provide valuable cross-correspondence
when used with clairvoyants, photography and instrumentation.
ITC is a newer term that includes EVP and other
forms of technology augmented spirit communications,
such as Video ITC and two-way, real-time communications.
The Butlers have been experimenting with EVP
for over fourteen years. They have recently begun
experimenting with Video ITC, which is a video
loopback technique that produces images of apparent
nonphysical origin. They describe this technique
in the book and explain why they and other researchers
believe the images are phenomenal.
Hear some of the Butlers EVPs [provided
by the Butlers and used at the White Noise EVP
back dear' - 'it
is not redemption' - 'That's
right we know' -
morphine' - 'it's
information on the film WHITE
NOISE theatric release
Official Website - http://www.whitenoisemovie.com/
WHITE NOISE explores the unsettling possibility
that the dead can contact us…all we have to do
is listen.
When architect Jonathan Rivers (Michael Keaton)
loses his wife in a tragic accident, he turns
to the shadowy, unnerving world of Electronic
Voice Phenomenon - communication from beyond the
grave. But as he begins to penetrate the mysteries
of EVP, Jonathan makes a shocking discovery: once
a portal to the other world is opened, there’s
no telling what will come through it.
For those who dare to believe, the WHITE NOISE
DVD includes bonus features that explore the eerie
phenomenon of EVP, including a live filming of
a recording session with voices from beyond, terrifying
deleted scenes, and more.
DVD Bonus Features: Terrifyingly Deleted
· Hearing is Believing: Actual EVP Sessions
- Witness the live filming of chilling, real-life
EVP recording sessions conducted at haunted locations
· Making Contact: EVP Experts - Discover
the strange history and extraordinary achievements
of EVP through the experiences of leading authorities
· Recording the Afterlife at Home - A fascinating
and chilling guide to making your own EVP recordings
Voices from the Dead – Send
your own EVP message –
Windows Media
Related Link: http://www.hollowvoices.com/
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Still Photos from the DVD of White Noise
