Not Dead Yet - Well Maybe the Zombies Are!
by Kelly Hoffman
Don’t believe the rumors. The action figure is not dead yet. Even, if it is mysteriously missing from toy store shelves. As long as Diamond Select Toys has their way the action figure will continue to thrive.
It looks like Diamond Select Toys will be keep us well supplied with enough sci-fi related toys to keep us all happy for quite some time.
They have been keeping the Star Trek line going strong for the last couple of years, ever since Art Asylum dropped the ball. And the there is a lot more where they came from. Check out all the latest news at Diamond Select Toys along with EMCE Toys will be bringing us Retro Trek toys in the vein of MEGO Star Trek Toys. First up will be Kirk and a Klingon with more on the way. These cool figures are using the original MEGO molds.

Star Trek isn’t all they have to offer. There is a terrific line of Stargate SG-1 figures out there. These are now in their second series. We are sure there will be more too! The first series of firgues all came with a piece of the Stargate to build and display along with your figures. These figures really look great. And Diamond Select does not forget that the word action is part of the action figure either. Unlike other so-called toy companies like McFarlane Toys and their mini statues they try to call action figures. DST gives us articulation and accessories. A big plus for those of us who like to display or play with our figures.
To top of this great line up of science fiction toys DST will be bringing us Battlestar Galactica figures form the new hit series on the SCIFI channel. They will be doing both figures and continuing the line of Minimates.

But the fun doesn’t stop there. The wildly popular Marvel Zombies will be coming to figure form starting with Zombie Spider-man and Zombie Colonel America followed by Zombie Hulk. Keep your eyes open for these figures at your local comic shop or online dealer as the big toy stores will not be carrying them. They all believe the action figure is dead. Well we have news for them!
