Book Review: Sleaze
By Kelly Hoffman
many members of my generation I grew up up watching classic
science fiction and horror films Saturday afternoons on such
television shows as Creature Double Feature and Shock
Theater, which has lead to a life long love of the B-Movies
from the fifties. And with today's technology I get to see
them in such clarity that put my UHF memories to shame.
Now Fantasma Books brings the perfect companion piece to
lovers of the genre, Sleaze
Creatures: An Illustrated Guide to Obscure Hollywood Horror
Movies From 1956 to 1959, written
by D. Earl Worth. And at just under $23 retail this book is
worth every penny.
Everyone of the 256 pages are packed full of information
from some of the best known films (I Was A Teenage Werewolf)
to some of the worst films ever produced (Attack of the
Giant Leeches). This volume covers fifty films with cast
and crew filmographies, production histories, detailed synopsis
and trivia for each of the films covered. Plus there are 150
black-and-white photographs, production stills and original
movie posters throughout the entire text.
Any fan of the B-Movies would absolutely treasure this book.
The only thing that could possibly make it better is having
the films to watch after reading all about them. And thanks
to many fine video and DVD companies you they are available
to you.
Perhaps the only thing that has been more interesting and
more informative than this book was my visit to Forrest J
Ackerman's house.
TV and X-Plus have teamed up to bring you three great
monster action figures based on some of the films listed in
the Sleaze Creatures. You should be able to find the in specialty
shops soon or order them directly from X-Plus.

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