Buffy The Vampire Slayer Willow & Tara
by Kelly Hoffman
Published by Dark Horse Comics
Written by Amber Benson and Christopher Golden
Artist Terry Moore with Eric Powell
Amber Benson, the actress that plays Tara - Willow's wiccan
girlfriend on the hit show Buffy the Vampire Slayer has taken
on a new role that of a comic book writer. Amber confesses
that she was never a fan of comics growing up referring to
them as a boy thing.
For a first time out she has done a rather splendid job especially
for someone who had to learn all about comics before writing
this story.
In WANNABLESSEDBE, Willow and Tara are hounded by an amateur
wiccan who wants to make their special circle a power of three
instead of a power of two. Feeling hurt by other members of
the wiccan club and having been rejected by her mentors Caitlin
decides to prove that she too can make a magic spell work.
Due to Caitlin's inexperience and lack of knowledge of the
magical arts the spell she casts unleashes an evil bent on
destroying all those that hurt her. But Caitlin cannot control
this evil entity and it is up to Willow and Tara to save the
If you have not yet picked up a copy of this book and you
are a fan of the television series you'll want to get your
hands on this comic. Amber's research into comics really pays
off and she has written an excellent story.
Terry Moore has done it again. He perfectly captures Willow
in his distinct style. If you are familiar with his work you
will quickly recognize his hand in this production worthy
of the Buffy the Vampire series (which will be moving to UPN
this Fall leaving it's current home on the WB).
Here is a a list of books recommend by Amber (and this reviewer):
Check out these websites:
*Highly recommended comic. If you haven't read the Strangers
In Paradise series pick it up and read it.