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- Comix-Inc
Now Serving Comic Fans Near You. News, Reviews and more From One Comic Shop to Your Eyes.
- Alter Ego Comics
New comic trade paperbacks, action figures, statues and busts at below retail price.
- Avalon Studios
Aria, Hellcop and Stone comics.
- Bar Crawl of the Damned
Vampires, werewolves, hot chicks and booze. Lots 'n lots of booze.
- Basement Comics Featuring: Cavewoman
A page for fans of Budd Root, Cavewoman, Basement Comics, and Dinosaurs.
- Big Red Hair
The official site of comic book creators Paul Guinan and Anina Bennett. In 1988, they created the science-fiction series HEARTBREAKERS. It was one of the very first action comics with a tough female lead. In 1998 Heartbreakers moved from Dark Horse to Image comics. Paul also co-created the monthly comic book CHRONOS for DC Comics. Anina has been a staff editor for Dark Horse and First Comics, she worked on scores of titles, including Nexus, Grimjack, Harlan Ellison’s Dream Corridor, Classic Star Wars, The Blue Witch of Oz, and Aliens.
- Captain Canuck: An American's Tribute
An American-made site dedicated to a great Canadian superhero, Richard Comely's Captain Canuck.
- Comic Books at Comics Etc
Online comic book store with new Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, and independent comic books along with back issue comics. New comic books added every Wednesday.
- Comicbook Resouces
Comic Book Resources - Comic Book News, Reviews and Commentary - Updated Daily.
- Comics Continuum
Comics news, reviews and interviews. [be sure to turn on your pop-up blockers]
- Comics Forever
Comic book forums featuring discussion of comic book collecting, the Marvel Universe, DC Universe, superheroes and all things Sci-Fi and Anime related.
- Comics Unlimited
Shop for comics and gifts online plus news, creator bios, and more!
- Crazee Comics
Publisher of comics and kids books including the critically acclaimed sci-fi comedy series "There's an Alien in my Toilet".
- Diamond Comic Distributors
This is the homepage for the folks that keep your favorite comic shop stocked. Want to know what is coming out or when the next issue of your favorite comic will be delivered? Check out this site for all the details then head on over to your favorite comic shop to get the goods.
- E-Man
A site dedicated to Nicola Cuti's and Joe Staton's Charlton Comics creation, E-Man!
- Fantagraphics Books
Publisher of the World's Greates Cartoonists!Love and Rockets plus many more.
- Free Comics Day
Go to your favorite Comic Shop and get free comics. Also on Free Comic Book Day, comic book creators will make special appearances at comic book stores.
- G.A.A.K: Groovy Ass Alien Kreatures
What is GAAK? It's like "ET"--With teeth! It's like "The Gremlins" if they came from outer space and had great comic timing. GAAK the scifi adventure webcomic is what you get when you mix Steven Spielberg's "The Goonies" with classic 50's style creature feature movies like "The Invaders from Mars".
- Guide to Gold Key Star Trek Comics
Guide to the Gold Key Star Trek comics. Between 1967 and 1979, Gold Key published 61 Star Trek comics. Today's fans often overlook these stories, forgetting that they are part of the Star Trek universe. While far from canon for a number of reasons, these adventures are every bit as exciting and fascinating as their television counterparts. Due to the age and demand of these thirty-plus year old comics, they are expensive and hard to find.
- HeroMachine
Have you ever been frustrated by an inability to see a character you've imagined? Are you constantly asking (all right, begging) your "artist friend" for an illustration because you can't draw a straight line with a ruler?
- Malakhim
Online comic following the life of a dead child who must rely on faith to survive being caught in the midst of the ancient war of angels.
- MattBusch.com
Sketches, artwork, gallery and online store for this amazing comic book artist Matt Busch.
- Mediawarp Comics Online
Learn the latest news about the critically-acclaimed publisher of PRISONOPOLIS.
- Oni Press
Alternative comics at their best. Gallery, comics, editorials and more.
- Pyramids of Mars
The first downloadable digital graphic novel.
- Ralph Snart
Ralph Snart Adventures by Marc Hansen. Free web comic and more.
- Spilled Milk
The goal of Spilled Milk is to create a great looking - great reading comic book. Home of CiCi, not your ordinary clone. Built with nanotechnology from the ground up.
- Station V3
Station V3 is a rest stop and refueling station in a distant solar system where few people visit and fewer need to rest or refuel.
- Superhero Songs
The place where songwriters and superhero fans collide!
- the Devil's Gate
Captain Youmi Namora just scored the job of her career, "1 million credits to deliver this crate to Betelgeuse 42". Now all she has to do is keep her crew from murdering each other long enough to get it there. Oh, and avoid the gang that'll stop at nothing to get said cargo.
- The Graphic Novel Archive
Trade paperbacks, collected editions, manga, comic strip collections, original graphic novels.
- The Strangers In Paradise Website
The official Terry Moore/Strangers In Paradise website. Find information on characters and upcoming issues as well as all the past issues. Lots of stuff here including message boards and online store.
- Todd McFarlane's Spawn
Spawn the Comic--images, timeline,checklist and loads of info.
- tribe comics
cyberpunk comics and more...
- Wyrde Comics
Nontraditional online comic publisher. Files of the Triple T and Secrets of College Life are two fo the titles produced online.
- Zortic
Zortic wins a space ship on a TV game show and uses it to explore a galaxy full of satire and parody. Zortic; not your average "little green man" in a flying saucer!
- Avatar Press
Comics company that produces The Coven, Avengelyne, Demonslayer among other great titles.
- Harris Comics Presents: Vampirella
Vampirella is a sexy female vampire born on Drakulon. In this dark realm of Hell, blood flowed like water in huge rivers and Vampirella depended on this blood for sustenance. When Vampi came to Earth, she was forced to drink the blood of humans to survive...
Last Update - 11.03pm on 9.27.2012