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Home / Games & Gaming / RPG (Role Playing Games) RPG (Role Playing Games)

Star Trek

Dark Conspiracy @ The Weirding  
In a dark future, Hunters roam the post-Apocalyptic landscape, fighting tabloid Horrors and shady illuminati in a desperate attempt to push back the Dark.

Icar - The Free Sci Fi RPG  
Icar is a Free Tabletop Science Fiction Roleplaying game, available for download. Includes artwork, scientific explanations, excellent GM tools and huge amounts of detail.

Lazer the new Science Fiction Fantasy Role-Playing Game  
LAZER the science fiction & fantasy role playing game where Magic and Technology merge in a science fiction & fantasy game that is like nothing on Earth.

Star Wars RPG Game Masters' Guide  
Star Wars role playing game GM guide with a sidebar of free multimedia such as e-mail and chat rooms.

Steve Jackson Games  
Steve Jackson Games publishes roleplaying and card games, including GURPS, In Nomine, Dino Hunt, Knightmare Chess, Car Wars, Toon, and others. And Pyramid Magazine - the best in gaming.

Unified Space Intelligence  
USI is a freeform sci-fi/fantasy PBEM RPG. USI is a beacon of hope in a dark future. If you are looking for a game which gives you full creative freedom, while offering professional services for free, USI is your game. Embark on a voyage which will be fun, exciting and help you grow as a writer.

WhoSim Universe  
WhoSim.Org games are not commercial rpg products that rely on complicated rules or chance. These online real time simulations enlist you and a small group of players as if you were a troop of actors.


Last Update - 11.03pm on 9.27.2012