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What's New Mailing List

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What is the Newsletter / Mailing List?

Every so often we send updates by email telling people what's new in our directory. Our newsltter will contain information on upcoming sci-fi films, books, games plus reviews and other site and genre updates. We don't promise regular mailings, but we do try. There may also be a separate newsletter sent out approximately once a month. This is strictly an opt-in newsletter. If you feel you are receiving this email without your consent please unsubscribe above or contact the webmaster to be removed right away. We pride ourselves in not contributing to the SPAM across the web.

Sign up now and keep informed as to what is new here at The Slacker's Sci-Fi Source! We also strive to keep you informed about science fiction news and events.

Sample newsletters can be found at where we keep an archived copy of past newsletters in both html and PDF formats.

*If you are an AOL member please be advised that as of 02.01.2004 you will no longer be receiving any mail from us [nor will you be able to join our online forums]. For more information on this please read Feb '04 Newsletter.


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