Ript has three great dinosaur tees available today at: https://www.riptapparel.com/?aff=63L2LZ6XVYDKGT53 This is our favorite and a must have. Good Morning Raptors by sugarpoultry
Today’s Ript Apparel t-shirts are loads of fun (so be prepared to buy more than one). First, any geeky cat lover is gonna want this one. CAT-AT’s New Gift by Obvian Next up is a Calvin and Hobbs Star Wars mashup that is to squee over. Attack of the Deranged Killer Snow Walkers by [… read more]
With Mad Max: Fury Road out starring Charlize Theron with a shaved head I thought I would share some other sexy women of science fiction that have been brave enough to face the shears and lose their locks (whether bald or buzz cut it is all still beautiful). Now mind you these are not really in any [… read more]
First off let me state that I am a big Trekkie so these all got a big thumbs up from me right away and hoodies are staple in my wardrobe. That being said let’s get down to business. The initial offering of the Spock Costume Hoodie by Her Universe was just meh and did not [… read more]
I am not a fan of the series (don’t even think I will bother to watch it streaming on Netflix some night when I am desperate. But I know there are a lot of fans out there and you might all like today’s tees over at RIPT Apparel. Episode 4: A New Formula by Ninjaink [… read more]
I know I have said this before and I will say it again. Costumes are not just for Halloween people! The Star Trek movie premiere is coming up at warp speed and you need to order your costumes ASAP if you want them to beam into your home before May 17th when the new crew [… read more]
Spider-man. Spider-man. Does whatever a spider can. Love Spider-man! Love the Spider-man comics, the cartoons, the movies — everything Spider-man. Personally I think you can wear your Spider-man costume anytime, anywhere… okay maybe not anytime or anywhere, but you don’t have to wait for Halloween to wear it that’s for sure. Kids of course can [… read more]
These are the PJs you are looking for! Jumpin Jammerz makes officially licensed adult footed pajamas that are just as comfy as you remember them as a kid. Of course they make tons of great jammies from DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Looney Tunes and more, but we are going to focus on the two top [… read more]
I know they are called Furry Adventurer Slippers (as they are not officially licensed and are only inspired by The Lord of the Rings), but I like to call them my Hobbit feets. I got myself a pair of these for Xmas and a second pair for a friend. Not a huge fan of slippers. [… read more]