Humanity is threatened when machines become dangerously self-aware in Delete, crashing onto Blu-ray and DVD September 10 from Gaiam Vivendi Entertainment and Sonar Entertainment. Directed by Emmy© nominee Steve Barron (“Merlin”) and starring Emmy Award© winner Seth Green (“Family Guy”), Emmy Award© winner Gil Bellows (“Ally McBeal”), Keir Gilchrist (“United States of Tara”), Janet Kidder (“The Killing”), Matt Frewer (“Orphan Black”), Erin Karpluk (“Being Erica”) and Ryan Robbins (Sanctuary), this is the fourth earth-shattering installment in the ongoing Doomsday Series, featuring five epic 4-hour end of the world experiences. Delete original premiered August 19 on ReelzChannel.
When reporter Jessica Taylor (Karpluk) and her hacker friend Daniel (Gilchrist) discover a viral threat to be the source of a nearly triggered nuclear reactor meltdown, they soon realize there is more to the story than just a computer malfunction. As chaos begins to reign across the globe, it becomes apparent that artificial intelligence has turned into a conscious entity with the sole purpose of destroying the world, one disaster at a time. With mankind facing possible extinction, the only way to save the world is to create a second form of artificial intelligence that is just as alive, just as intelligent and just as dangerous.
Featuring cast and crew interviews and a sneak peak at Exploding Sun, the countdown to the end of the world begins with Delete, available on Blu-ray and DVD September 10 at the suggested retail price of $29.95 and $19.97, respectively.